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Further Update from the TRAVAX Team

23 August 2011

Dear TRAVAX user

We have been looking at the feedback you have given us so far on the redeveloped TRAVAX site.

Some of you are still experiencing technical issues, for example with map display, which we apologise for and assure you we are working as fast as we can towards a solution.

The suitcase email function has been fixed, so please take the opportunity to try it out during consultation with your travellers.Open Suitcase

User logins and registrations – there has been some confusion around this and so we have created a simplified version of instructions for you to follow.

Content – many of you have said you really like the new layout and content, others are taking longer to get used to the new interface. The suitcase feature and FAQ’ s are a success, plus you’ve told us you like having more maps on the country pages. Some of you are finding the country vaccine recommendations too lengthy compared with the old site.

Some of the vaccine texts are actually the same length as we had on the old TRAVAX – it is just the font size and layout on the page which has changed in order to conform to public sector website standards. However the TRAVAX Team here agree that these sections could be improved and made more “consultation” friendly so we’re working on some changes.

Our aim is to provide you with a site which is evidence-based but user friendly, and which leads to consistent patient outcomes. We want to get it right.

Please keep feeding back on the site to help us improve things Survey website (external weblink)