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Yellow Fever in Bolivia (Cochabamba)

21 June 2017

Media reportsLink an 18-year-old man in Potosi has died of yellow fever, the first such death in a decade. The man reported frequent travel to Villa Tunari, an area with a tropical climate in Cochabamba. The Departmental Health Services reported that the young man had not been vaccinated.

Advice for Travellers

Yellow fever vaccine is recommended for travellers at risk.

A traveller's risk of yellow fever is determined by their general risk assessment e.g. country visited, length of stay, city or rural, activities etc. Travellers with contraindications for yellow fever vaccine (e.g. children < 9 months, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with severe egg antigen hypersensitivity, severe immunodeficiency) or over 60 years of age are advised to seek expert assessment to help weigh up risks and benefits of vaccination.

Mosquito bite avoidance rules should be adhered to - the mosquito that spreads yellow fever bites predominantly during the day.

For further information see Yellow Fever